Economic Business and Trade Global Summit - Las Vegas
The African Chamber of Commerce and Tourism and Periwinkle Group, global communications, marketing, business development, and consulting firm, presented the 2023 Economic Business, Trade, and Global Summit. The Summit is scheduled on September 22, 2023, at City of Las Vegas Campus in Las Vegas, Nevada, under the theme, “Advancing A Resilient and Sustainable Nevada Africa Partnership.’’
The 2023 Economic Business, Trade, and Global Summit is a unique high-level, prestigious business platform designed to promote and facilitate international trade and foreign direct investment in Africa.
This prestigious seminar and exhibition are designed to increase trade, direct investment, collaborative and economic innovation. The vision of the Summit is to promote and facilitate international trade with businesses in the diaspora and Africa, facilitate foreign direct investment in Africa, and provide a platform for businesses to expand into new markets.
The event provides participants with the opportunity to bring together key global economic investors and players.
It provides a unique platform to gain insights about potential opportunities and establish business partnerships globally, spanning several sectors.
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